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  1. Read this before posting
  2. NaN w V0.39 beta
  3. ftp scanner slow
  4. Minor table scoring bugs
  5. TST losing track of which tables I'm on
  6. Errors -> cannot open tables
  7. Table Launch Bug
  8. Bugs in 0.43-Doesnot work on Pokerstars
  9. 0.44 beta missing the window "view of the players on table"
  10. Unwanted tables being opened
  11. VC poker after their update
  12. bugs in .44c(scanning players)
  13. hotkey shoudnt popup full tables
  14. "KJ" being prepended to names
  15. TST doesn't recognize when I leave tables
  16. Table Scoring Bug in v0.44f
  17. Can't open tables error
  18. Crashes while scanning
  19. Cant Join in waiting list in iPoker
  20. [0.45f] scanner freeze
  21. [0.45f] scanner opens unwanted tables
  22. [0.45f] incomplete table scan
  23. [0.45f] player details donīt show played hands
  24. [0.45g] scanner freezes
  25. [0.45g] scanner freezes
  26. [045f] no player stats on UB
  27. Minor Win 7 bug
  28. 0.45h : incomplete scans
  29. TST doesnot highlight opened euro tables
  30. Wrong table opens [.45h]
  31. [v0.46 Beta] seems to scan but doesn't show any player
  32. 0.47b isn't working with FTP
  33. 0.47 FTP crash
  34. 0.47b black columns window bug
  35. Buddies Included in Fish Column
  36. Columns don't retain their order
  37. When I scan UB, immediately crashes
  38. Hero visible in the results-list
  39. tst crashes after scanning tables (scanning players)
  40. Active table not selected after AutoScan
  41. Scanning on Betmost not working properly
  42. "unrecognized ipoker client" with new Titan software
  43. TST doesnt work with new stars tables
  44. But with HEM Display of MultiTablign
  45. Avanced Settings -> Define changes don't stay
  46. Double clicking list not working on Betfred
  47. "max. Players on Waitinglist-function" is not working on FTP since update!
  48. serious problem after FTP-update
  49. Rush (.02/.05c) tables included in Tablescan
  50. lobby button disappearing
  51. Problem after last AP update
  52. 0.50d - TST Crashes when "Scan Tables"
  53. Tiny Sorting Bug
  54. Winner Poker (iPoker) problems
  55. New Column at PokerStars Lobby - Problems
  56. Problem with the Scanner and Partypoker
  57. All result columns show zero, except Chips
  58. TableScan crashes at startup
  59. AutoWaitlist on FTP
  60. FTP crashes with RC1 b3 (BETA) TST
  61. PartyPoker
  62. FTP lags with TST RC1 b3
  63. pokerstars moving lobby off screen
  64. TST crashes when start autowaitlist
  65. TST crashes after scanning 3 tables on PP
  66. Crash when using autowaitlist and permascan
  67. Problem with auto open and auto waitlist
  68. Table Listed Twice > Crash
  69. ErrorMessage - Net Framework
  70. AutoWaitlist Not Responding to Filters
  71. Sometimes TST doesnt join Waitlists (Autowaitlist)
  72. AutoWaitList BUG on Party
  73. For Russians / для русских. PokerStars client not Found Error.
  74. waitlist/open table Danielīs Rm II-V doesnīt work
  75. Dont scan well in microgamming
  76. Missclick problems
  77. Partypokerclient crash
  78. Table Filter
  79. Keep missing a strange popup - "cannot find table" something something
  80. slows down computer after xx hours
  81. "Cannot find disc"?
  82. Scan Tables not work last update PS
  83. FTP Search a Player problems
  84. Small HUD bugs
  85. Don't open more than x Tables
  86. Problem with auto open tables and auto wait list
  87. Unable to find Client since Pokerstars Update (12.01.2011)
  88. PokerStars: Own screenname not in TableScan playerlist
  89. Microgaming
  90. Filter players problem
  91. PokerStars AppCrash
  92. TST scans not all tables in Stars Lobby?
  93. Players don't show correctly.
  94. new CAP Tables dont work
  95. PokerStars lobby isn't fitted on 1024x768 screen
  96. generell FT scan problem
  97. Table grid collapse when TST has been minimized to taskbar
  98. Filters
  99. Rush
  100. TST Full tilt issue, possibly not reading database correctly?
  101. PS : Open or Join All the tables in the ps lobby not in the filtered tables
  102. Couldn't join waiting list error
  103. Problem with Autowaitlist Stars
  104. Problem after today`s FTP-update?
  105. Absolute (Cerus) Issue after update
  106. win7 error w/ scan Pokerstars
  107. PokerStars scanning crash (TST RC3)
  108. Old ipoker client problem
  109. "no label" checkbox in players filter gets unchecked after restart of TST
  110. Party Poker: players filter
  111. active filters labelled incorrectly
  112. Autowaitlist FTP auto open table fails
  113. crash with TST/ FTP
  114. opens table despite being full
  115. edit score
  116. Wrong Scan when table is open
  117. HUD slows down Stars
  118. Auto Wait List not working with Stars
  119. TST is crashing FTP Client
  120. Absolute Auto Wait list
  121. add regular clears list
  122. FTP autowaitlist
  123. MultiTable stat on Hud not updating
  124. partypoker client 03/2011
  125. HUD Font
  126. not sacnning FTP after update
  127. False Player on Table Scans
  128. Stars update 04/12/2011 broke autojoin
  129. autowait list
  130. Can't join waiting List on PokerStars
  131. Join waitlist not working
  132. Cannot update
  133. Can't start scaning tables
  134. Scan delay at PokerStars
  135. Partypoker - joining waiting lists bug
  136. Pokerstars - TN shows wrong tables
  137. Partypoker waitlist problem
  138. TST crashing
  139. Merge Fixed Limit Filter Not Filtering
  140. ongame new client
  141. Regs don't get filtered on perma-scan
  142. Spotted 4 bugs on Merge
  143. Virus alert Kaspersky
  144. BUG: Tables are colurless after another scan (though they have been joined)
  145. PartyPoker Players/Seats
  146. table/player list bug?
  147. Pari-Match and TST
  148. Error injecting in target, Could not inject DLL (bug report recently)
  149. PokerStars - Problem with notes
  150. not working on bwin.fr
  151. PS waitlist problem
  152. tablescan let FullTiltPoker.exe abnormal aborting occasionally?
  153. 888 poker hud
  154. Pokerstars makes always some trouble
  155. Pokerstars Bug
  156. not found
  157. Party Crashes like x times a session
  158. Problem showing unseated highlight
  159. Bugs 888
  160. Microgaming Skin RV doesnt work!!
  161. TableScan changing writing (letters)
  162. auto waitlist: don't allow auto waitlist to join or leave.../ # of BB feature
  163. Pokerstars Waitinglist problem
  164. doesn't work on WIN7 ipoker(Dafa)
  165. PokerStars Fast tables problem
  166. Doesn't work on WPT POKER skin
  167. Bug in autowaitlist
  168. Pokerstars: TST can't join me to waiting list
  169. CAP games stars
  170. HM2 bb/100 fault
  171. Error
  172. PS.fr update
  173. PS: Not importing all tables
  174. Faulty Results
  175. Lost my scoring!
  176. TST Working at Ipoker?
  177. PokerStars after scan unjoin all the waiting list
  178. Merge: Waiting list behavior and crash handling
  179. Closing
  180. PartyPoker waitinglist bug
  181. Overriding of tableopening settings
  182. table filter in ipoker
  183. Cannot scan iPoker(Titan)
  184. Wrong Stats
  185. IPoker(Boyle) "Search for Player" Bug
  186. PokerStars Notes
  187. Ipoker Winner Skin
  188. ipoker
  189. use with HM2 database issue
  190. Scoring
  191. Problem with PT3 Hand History
  192. TST includes CAP-tables in all NL tables
  193. 1 player per table in pokerstars.fr
  194. Mybet(Ipoker) ScanBug
  195. Ongame(bwin). Not importing all tables
  196. tablescan cant detect whales for me?
  197. Bug with Holdem Indicator
  198. Leaves Waitlist when over "Waitlist"
  199. Table opening problem
  200. ipoker client begins lagging after
  201. Problem Ipoker parimatch
  202. problem with betfair ongame
  203. .net framework initialization error
  204. Scanning bug
  205. PS: Scan says I am at all waitlists, but I am not!
  206. Tablescan not work in ladbrokes
  207. Problem whith scanning PS
  208. Pokerstars Bug - Daniels Room
  209. Scoring desapeared
  210. Merge Bug, sort of
  211. Opening too much tables
  212. support for new ipoker lobby
  213. PS: "you can not unjoin the waitlist at this moment"
  214. New iPoker lobby problem
  215. PokerStars lobby mess
  216. Ipoker (Bet365) Problem. Waiting list and scaning.
  217. Paddy Power - TST error - iPoker client not found
  218. Missing tables in tables list with HM2 DB
  219. Fold 3bet is WRONG!
  220. RC 4 built 11 update doesnt work properly
  221. TST crashes with Poker Stars
  222. TST does not import all players data
  223. RC 4 built 12 update party poker crash
  224. "Unknown table!" in HUD when it's known
  225. Error message during scan
  226. tablescan turbo not working on prima
  227. Scanner not working after update microgaming
  228. Bug micro stakes (0.01/0.02) evrest poker.fr
  229. problem on stars
  230. TST set foreground windows randomly
  231. TST crashes my goalwin client
  232. Tablescan freeze my pokeridol client (ongame).
  233. Question to auto-waitlist
  234. Update Partypoker
  235. freeze on close PartyPoker table
  236. can't find ipoker client
  237. Cannot work TST(pokerstars)
  238. Could not join waitlist! bug! ( after 29th of May Pokerstars update)
  239. Zoom Scanning after last PokerStars Update
  240. Merge Full Ring Players Column says 5/9
  241. Missing tables on Pokerstars
  242. partypoker, throws out of queue
  243. Pokerstars problem (miss join)
  244. HUD problems at the beginning
  245. delay on Ipoker
  246. Old Ipoker client bugs
  247. Partypoker slow permascan
  248. Special letter Partypoker
  249. Doesn't join tables and waiting list on pokerstars
  250. not start program after install