- Read this before posting
- NaN w V0.39 beta
- ftp scanner slow
- Minor table scoring bugs
- TST losing track of which tables I'm on
- Errors -> cannot open tables
- Table Launch Bug
- Bugs in 0.43-Doesnot work on Pokerstars
- 0.44 beta missing the window "view of the players on table"
- Unwanted tables being opened
- VC poker after their update
- bugs in .44c(scanning players)
- hotkey shoudnt popup full tables
- "KJ" being prepended to names
- TST doesn't recognize when I leave tables
- Table Scoring Bug in v0.44f
- Can't open tables error
- Crashes while scanning
- Cant Join in waiting list in iPoker
- [0.45f] scanner freeze
- [0.45f] scanner opens unwanted tables
- [0.45f] incomplete table scan
- [0.45f] player details donīt show played hands
- [0.45g] scanner freezes
- [0.45g] scanner freezes
- [045f] no player stats on UB
- Minor Win 7 bug
- 0.45h : incomplete scans
- TST doesnot highlight opened euro tables
- Wrong table opens [.45h]
- [v0.46 Beta] seems to scan but doesn't show any player
- 0.47b isn't working with FTP
- 0.47 FTP crash
- 0.47b black columns window bug
- Buddies Included in Fish Column
- Columns don't retain their order
- When I scan UB, immediately crashes
- Hero visible in the results-list
- tst crashes after scanning tables (scanning players)
- Active table not selected after AutoScan
- Scanning on Betmost not working properly
- "unrecognized ipoker client" with new Titan software
- TST doesnt work with new stars tables
- But with HEM Display of MultiTablign
- Avanced Settings -> Define changes don't stay
- Double clicking list not working on Betfred
- "max. Players on Waitinglist-function" is not working on FTP since update!
- serious problem after FTP-update
- Rush (.02/.05c) tables included in Tablescan
- lobby button disappearing
- Problem after last AP update
- 0.50d - TST Crashes when "Scan Tables"
- Tiny Sorting Bug
- Winner Poker (iPoker) problems
- New Column at PokerStars Lobby - Problems
- Problem with the Scanner and Partypoker
- All result columns show zero, except Chips
- TableScan crashes at startup
- AutoWaitlist on FTP
- FTP crashes with RC1 b3 (BETA) TST
- PartyPoker
- FTP lags with TST RC1 b3
- pokerstars moving lobby off screen
- TST crashes when start autowaitlist
- TST crashes after scanning 3 tables on PP
- Crash when using autowaitlist and permascan
- Problem with auto open and auto waitlist
- Table Listed Twice > Crash
- ErrorMessage - Net Framework
- AutoWaitlist Not Responding to Filters
- Sometimes TST doesnt join Waitlists (Autowaitlist)
- AutoWaitList BUG on Party
- For Russians / для русских. PokerStars client not Found Error.
- waitlist/open table Danielīs Rm II-V doesnīt work
- Dont scan well in microgamming
- Missclick problems
- Partypokerclient crash
- Table Filter
- Keep missing a strange popup - "cannot find table" something something
- slows down computer after xx hours
- "Cannot find disc"?
- Scan Tables not work last update PS
- FTP Search a Player problems
- Small HUD bugs
- Don't open more than x Tables
- Problem with auto open tables and auto wait list
- Unable to find Client since Pokerstars Update (12.01.2011)
- PokerStars: Own screenname not in TableScan playerlist
- Microgaming
- Filter players problem
- PokerStars AppCrash
- TST scans not all tables in Stars Lobby?
- Players don't show correctly.
- new CAP Tables dont work
- PokerStars lobby isn't fitted on 1024x768 screen
- generell FT scan problem
- Table grid collapse when TST has been minimized to taskbar
- Filters
- Rush
- TST Full tilt issue, possibly not reading database correctly?
- PS : Open or Join All the tables in the ps lobby not in the filtered tables
- Couldn't join waiting list error
- Problem with Autowaitlist Stars
- Problem after today`s FTP-update?
- Absolute (Cerus) Issue after update
- win7 error w/ scan Pokerstars
- PokerStars scanning crash (TST RC3)
- Old ipoker client problem
- "no label" checkbox in players filter gets unchecked after restart of TST
- Party Poker: players filter
- active filters labelled incorrectly
- Autowaitlist FTP auto open table fails
- crash with TST/ FTP
- opens table despite being full
- edit score
- Wrong Scan when table is open
- HUD slows down Stars
- Auto Wait List not working with Stars
- TST is crashing FTP Client
- Absolute Auto Wait list
- add regular clears list
- FTP autowaitlist
- MultiTable stat on Hud not updating
- partypoker client 03/2011
- HUD Font
- not sacnning FTP after update
- False Player on Table Scans
- Stars update 04/12/2011 broke autojoin
- autowait list
- Can't join waiting List on PokerStars
- Join waitlist not working
- Cannot update
- Can't start scaning tables
- Scan delay at PokerStars
- Partypoker - joining waiting lists bug
- Pokerstars - TN shows wrong tables
- Partypoker waitlist problem
- TST crashing
- Merge Fixed Limit Filter Not Filtering
- ongame new client
- Regs don't get filtered on perma-scan
- Spotted 4 bugs on Merge
- Virus alert Kaspersky
- BUG: Tables are colurless after another scan (though they have been joined)
- PartyPoker Players/Seats
- table/player list bug?
- Pari-Match and TST
- Error injecting in target, Could not inject DLL (bug report recently)
- PokerStars - Problem with notes
- not working on bwin.fr
- PS waitlist problem
- tablescan let FullTiltPoker.exe abnormal aborting occasionally?
- 888 poker hud
- Pokerstars makes always some trouble
- Pokerstars Bug
- not found
- Party Crashes like x times a session
- Problem showing unseated highlight
- Bugs 888
- Microgaming Skin RV doesnt work!!
- TableScan changing writing (letters)
- auto waitlist: don't allow auto waitlist to join or leave.../ # of BB feature
- Pokerstars Waitinglist problem
- doesn't work on WIN7 ipoker(Dafa)
- PokerStars Fast tables problem
- Doesn't work on WPT POKER skin
- Bug in autowaitlist
- Pokerstars: TST can't join me to waiting list
- CAP games stars
- HM2 bb/100 fault
- Error
- PS.fr update
- PS: Not importing all tables
- Faulty Results
- Lost my scoring!
- TST Working at Ipoker?
- PokerStars after scan unjoin all the waiting list
- Merge: Waiting list behavior and crash handling
- Closing
- PartyPoker waitinglist bug
- Overriding of tableopening settings
- table filter in ipoker
- Cannot scan iPoker(Titan)
- Wrong Stats
- IPoker(Boyle) "Search for Player" Bug
- PokerStars Notes
- Ipoker Winner Skin
- ipoker
- use with HM2 database issue
- Scoring
- Problem with PT3 Hand History
- TST includes CAP-tables in all NL tables
- 1 player per table in pokerstars.fr
- Mybet(Ipoker) ScanBug
- Ongame(bwin). Not importing all tables
- tablescan cant detect whales for me?
- Bug with Holdem Indicator
- Leaves Waitlist when over "Waitlist"
- Table opening problem
- ipoker client begins lagging after
- Problem Ipoker parimatch
- problem with betfair ongame
- .net framework initialization error
- Scanning bug
- PS: Scan says I am at all waitlists, but I am not!
- Tablescan not work in ladbrokes
- Problem whith scanning PS
- Pokerstars Bug - Daniels Room
- Scoring desapeared
- Merge Bug, sort of
- Opening too much tables
- support for new ipoker lobby
- PS: "you can not unjoin the waitlist at this moment"
- New iPoker lobby problem
- PokerStars lobby mess
- Ipoker (Bet365) Problem. Waiting list and scaning.
- Paddy Power - TST error - iPoker client not found
- Missing tables in tables list with HM2 DB
- Fold 3bet is WRONG!
- RC 4 built 11 update doesnt work properly
- TST crashes with Poker Stars
- TST does not import all players data
- RC 4 built 12 update party poker crash
- "Unknown table!" in HUD when it's known
- Error message during scan
- tablescan turbo not working on prima
- Scanner not working after update microgaming
- Bug micro stakes (0.01/0.02) evrest poker.fr
- problem on stars
- TST set foreground windows randomly
- TST crashes my goalwin client
- Tablescan freeze my pokeridol client (ongame).
- Question to auto-waitlist
- Update Partypoker
- freeze on close PartyPoker table
- can't find ipoker client
- Cannot work TST(pokerstars)
- Could not join waitlist! bug! ( after 29th of May Pokerstars update)
- Zoom Scanning after last PokerStars Update
- Merge Full Ring Players Column says 5/9
- Missing tables on Pokerstars
- partypoker, throws out of queue
- Pokerstars problem (miss join)
- HUD problems at the beginning
- delay on Ipoker
- Old Ipoker client bugs
- Partypoker slow permascan
- Special letter Partypoker
- Doesn't join tables and waiting list on pokerstars
- not start program after install